
Policies & Legal Information

Credit Reporting Policy

This policy is current as of 01-MAR-2022 and is subject to change.

[Download a PDF copy of the Policy]

1. Introduction

This policy outlines how Liquidjet Pty Ltd (‘Liquidjet’) handles credit related information. All references to ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ in this policy refer to Liquidjet.

‘Credit related information’ refers to personal information that has a bearing on credit that has been provided to you or that you have applied for. Credit related information includes information that we:

  • obtain from credit reporting bodies;
  • derive using such information (e.g. a credit score); and
  • may disclose to a credit reporting body in relation to an application made to us for credit or any credit account held with us.

This policy is in addition to our Privacy Policy, which deals with our handling of personal information other than credit related information.

You may obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy, the Credit Reporting Policy and Credit Reporting Statement of Notifiable Matters by visiting our website, making a written request or contacting us by phone.

2. Collection of Credit Related Information

Credit related information about you can be collected from you (e.g. when you complete an application form or during telephone calls), credit reporting bodies (listed below) and/ or other third party credit providers that have provided credit to you in the past or present.

Liquidjet may collect and hold any type of credit information about you, as permitted under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act), including:

  • your name, sex, date of birth, current residential address and previous two residential addresses, the name of your current or last known employer and your driver’s licence number;
  • a record of a lender asking a credit reporting body for information about the individual in relation to a credit application, including the type and amount of credit applied for;
  • information as to any requirement for the individual to pay an amount by way of security for credit provided by Liquidjet;
  • information relating to whether the individual has been approved or denied credit by Liquidjet;
  • information relating to directors, owners or partners of entities, partnerships or businesses as disclosed in credit reports obtained by Liquidjet;
  • history of any hardship application you make, or payment plan activity you may enter into;
  • publicly available information about your credit worthiness in relation to consumer credit;
  • financial reports from third parties or that you have provided for the purpose of credit assessments;
  • history of any breaches you may have committed in relation to your credit account with Liquidjet;
  • information about a payment that you are overdue in making in relation to consumer credit, and information about when such an overdue payment has been paid; and
  • the opinion of a credit provider that you have committed a serious credit infringement in relation to consumer credit provided by the provider to you.

Liquidjet may hold your credit related information in the form of electronic files, voice recordings and hardcopy format (in each case, securely protected and stored).

3. Use and Disclosure of Credit Related Information

Liquidjet will take all reasonable care and precaution to ensure that your credit related information is used only for purposes permitted by law relating to supply of products or services to you.

Credit related information may be collected, used, held or disclosed by Liquidjet:

  • to conduct a credit assessment to assist in deciding if a credit account should be provided for products or services supplied to you;
  • for our internal management purposes which are directly related to the supply of products or services to you;
  • to assist you to avoid a payment default; and
  • to assist with collection of payments that are overdue.

Liquidjet may disclose your information to our related companies and to third parties including but not limited to, debt collectors, credit management agencies, other credit providers, credit reporting bodies, government bodies, regulatory authorities (as required by law) and any authorised party you may give permission for us to speak with including welfare organisations, guarantors or representatives nominated by you.

If your application for credit is denied based on information provided to us by a third-party reporting body, we will inform you and provide contact details of the credit reporting body used.

4. Credit Reporting Bodies

We may exchange information with credit reporting bodes, where permitted by law, to:

  • manage your credit requests;
  • review your credit worthiness in assessing a new application;
  • obtain a credit report based on terms of payment;
  • verify information obtained by us from you or other sources; or
  • manage changes in your circumstances, such as alerts to bankruptcy, receivership, administration or liquidation.

The credit reporting bodies we currently deal with are:

  • Equifax Australia.

You may obtain a copy of the above credit reporting bodies polices about management of credit related information by contacting those entities directly. You have the right to request reporting bodies no to:

  • use your credit related information to determine your eligibility to receive direct marketing from credit providers; or
  • disclose credit related information if you believe you have been or are likely to be a victim of fraud or stolen identity.

5. Accessing and Correcting Your Credit Related Information

You, a person who is assisting you to deal with Liquidjet, or a person authorised in writing by you to do so, can access the personal information that we hold about you using the details provided in section 7.

We may not be able to provide access to your credit information if:

  • giving access would be unlawful; or
  • denying access is required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or
  • giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, an enforcement body.

If Liquidjet refuses to give access to credit information that it holds about you, we will tell you why.

A reasonable fee may be charged for giving access to credit information about you.

Liquidjet takes reasonable measures to ensure that the credit information we hold is accurate, up-to-date and complete. If we hold credit related information about you, you can ask us to correct credit related information by contacting the Privacy Officer using the details in section 7. If we refuse your request to correct your credit information, you have the right to request that a statement be associated with your credit information noting that you disagree with its accuracy.

6. Complaints Regarding This Policy, The Credit Reporting Code, and Part IIIA of the Privacy Act

Complaints about the treatment of credit related information (including a possible breach of privacy) by us should be made in writing (a letter or email), addressed to the Privacy Officer. Please include your email address, name, address, and telephone number and clearly specify the nature of your complaint.

If you make such a complaint, we will:

  • give you a written acknowledgement of your complaint within 7 days after you made the complaint or after we have received the complaint; and
  • investigate the complaint.

We will consult with any credit reporting body or credit provider we consider necessary to investigate the complaint.

After investigating the complaint, we will give you a written notice about our decision. If we are unable to give that notice within 30 days after you made the complaint, we will inform you of this within 30 days after you made the complaint and notify you of the reason for the delay.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you may complain to the office of the Australian Information Commissioner or an external dispute resolution scheme of which we are a member and which has been recognised by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner under the Privacy Act. We will provide contact details for any such external dispute resolution scheme when we notify you of our decision about your complaint.

If your complaint relates to our failure to provide access to or to correct any credit related information that we hold about, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or an external dispute resolution scheme of which we are a member and which has been recognised by the Australian Privacy Commissioner under the Privacy Act.

7. How to Contact Us

You can obtain further information in relation to this Credit Reporting Policy by contacting our Privacy Officer as follows;

Privacy Officer
Liquidjet Pty Ltd
PO BOX 328

8. Non-Compliance with this Policy

All non-compliance with this policy will be recorded in accordance with the Compliance Policy.

Any non-compliances will be reported to the Director(s) and Privacy Officer of the company.

Incidents of willful non-compliance with this policy are considered to be serious and will be dealt with in accordance with the company’s normal performance management process, which may include employment termination.

9. Related Documents

  • Privacy Policy
  • Compliance Policy

10. Policy Approval and Renewal

We may update this Credit Reporting Policy from time to time as required, including to comply with amendments to the Privacy Act or other codes, laws, or regulations. Any updated versions of this Credit Reporting Policy will be posted on our website, also made available upon request, and will be effective from the date indicated on the updated policy.

11. Whistleblowing Statement

In exceptional circumstances, an individual may be concerned that a breach of this policy has occurred and considers that is would be personally damaging to pursue it through standard processes. In such circumstances the individual should discuss their concern to the applicable State or Territory agency responsible for the protection of privacy matters, or the Australian Information Commissioner using their respective contact methods.

12. Distribution of Policy

This policy is approved for distribution publicly.

13. Policy Version History and Approval

01 March 2022 – Version 1 – Approval by Management, Review to occur by 01 March 2023.